Sunday, June 15, 2008

Keith Hernandez Mania Continues

This morning there was a great article in the NY Post about the impact Keith continues to have on Mets fans all over.

We here at What Would Keith Do and NY Sports Dog see this every day.

So what is it really about Keith that draws fans to him?

Charm, wit, humor, ego combined with the ability to laugh at's all that and more.

Look, we all love Tom Seaver, revere Cleon Jones and Tommy Agee, have Mookie Wilson, Mike Piazza and Doc Gooden in our hearts, but at the end of the day it's Keith.

Mike Piazza was an incredible Met, but he was very low key, and we didn't win a World Series while he was here.

Tom Seaver is the original Mr Met....a Hall of Famer, one of the greatest pitchers of all-time...personally Seaver is my favorite Met.

But still, there is something about Keith....the wit, the ability to connect with the fans, the World Series he brought us, and the love he has for the Mets to this day.

While Seaver was broadcasting Yankee games and building a vineyard, Keith was in our hearts. When Seaver comes into the booth and talks you just don't feel the same connection that you do with Keith.

Keith Hernandez is a Mets icon--maybe THE Mets icon.

We salute you Keith....just keep being you.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Keith Thinks the Mets Can be Cured With a Nut Shot

"It's all about distractions" said Keith, "You soak your arm in a cold Coors, eat some high chedder, then take a nut worked for Ronnie and I." - Watch more free videos
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